At Inventife, we are convinced that the analysis of video cameras with ethical AI will be irreplaceable for companies and organizations in the future to obtain relevant data in real time.

Our values and guidelines protect the privacy of each individual and ensure that surveillance in the original sense only takes place when it serves the well-being of the person.

Inventife focuses on the development and distribution of cross-generational building automation technologies on a global scale. Inventife’s patented sensor technology takes building automation to the next level. Our technology enables automation at an unprecedented level. We are opening the door to building automation for both young and old, bringing benefits to everyone.

It is our responsibility at Inventife to enable nursing homes to offer life-affirming services for everyone close to their relatives.

That is why we support better well-being, better care and better service by creating a modern, attractive and safe care environment in line with our principles.

Problems that we solve

  • Lack of personnel in care
  • High costs and high effort due to missing information when reporting accidents to insurance
  • Living independent of help at an older age. Age-in-place solution
  • Energy usage of buildings
  • Increasing risk by nature and population
  • Acceleration of daily life and thus little time for friends and family
  • Whish for individualism

Our solution

Our solution is the Inventife room sensor. The patented behaviour detection recognizes what is really going on in the room / the house and allows the first real automation!

A product solving multiple problems at once. The potential of image processing and recognition has only been scratched to this point and only in industrial use cases. At home, the use of AI for image processing is barely touched.

Inventife connects the best of conventional image processing with artificial intelligence in neural networks to allow the maximum benefit for each person.

The Inventife Hub processes the images locally. Our AI on the Edge is the only way to keep the privacy of the residents their own! Leveraging distributed learning our AI is still able to learn without invading our users.

In the future everyone will live in a smart home. Not in any smart home, but in one with Inventife, sustainably connecting comfort, safety and energy while respecting the privacy of the residents!

„We only build smart homes from this point on!“

Manufacturer of prefabricated houses in germany, 2022

Our competitors

Using image processing we are able to react within a few seconds only!

Integration into the building control system also allows preventive measures that no other system can offer.

With exclusively local data processing and open communication, we gain and maintain the trust of our customers, even though we are in a critical area with the camera.

We are practically unrivaled in the field of building automation.

There are some products that cover parts of our range of functions. None of these products reach the new standards we set at Inventife.

Only with the Inventife room sensor is it possible for the building control system to understand what is actually happening in the building. Only with this information can automation really be tailored to requirements.

Market and target customers

Our solution can be used for everyone, no matter if young or old, technically adept or not. We understand our residents.

Why accident detection is interesting for care and smart home is interesting for young people needs no explanation. Combining both features brings further benefits for both groups that were previously untapped:

Smart Home for the elderly?

Older people benefit from building control in several ways.

Heavy roller shutters move up and down automatically. The room temperature is always at a comfortable level. Electrical appliances switch off automatically after use, reducing the risk of fire.

Smart lighting control prevents many accidents in the dark!

Accident histories are traced.

Accident detection for young families?

Accidents can happen to any age group.

When doing DIY, when the husband or wife falls off a ladder and no one else is at home. If you hit your head on an open cupboard door, a shelf or another edge.

Young children at play are also particularly vulnerable. They trip over doorsteps, slip or run into furniture with sharp edges in their eagerness.

Why our customers use Inventife

Building owners invest in a future-proof building that will always adapt to their current needs and situation, even years from now.

As new functions based on Inventife’s ethically and privacy-protected AI system continue to be developed, the value of building automation is also constantly increasing.

Our product can be used in smart homes, office buildings, residential homes and hospitals.

Inventife offers more comfort and at the same time reduces energy consumption for lighting and heating in a smart, user-centered and demand-oriented way.

In view of demographics and the associated global ageing population, there is an urgent need to provide the necessary support in the event of strokes, heart attacks or simply unfortunate falls with the necessary sensor technology.

The use of a smart building control system also extends the time people can live independently at home in old age.

Founding team

Robin Göbel


M.Sc. Electrical engineering & IT

7 years of working experience

  • Developend the sensor at KIT
  • Studied entrepreneurship
  • Realized multiple Smart Home projects

Max-Felix Müller


B.Eng. Electrical engineering

8 years of working experience

  • Embedded Software Developer in the Innovation Lab
  • Finalist OpenCV AI Competition 2021 & 2022

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